BGCCI broke records on Friday, November 17 in celebration of our 60th anniversary, raising nearly $5 million to support our kids and teens.
BGCCI trustee and event co-chair, Suzie Glazer Burt, made a surprise 4-million-dollar gift in support of our Clubs and in memory of her late sister and long-time Boys & Girls Club supporter, Ellie Glazer Ziegler.
Over 500 community members came together at the Drake University Knapp Center to celebrate Club members, founders, their families, and all BGCCI community supporters.
THANK YOU, to our sponsors:
o Andrea and Greg Abel
o BJ and Tiffany Baker
o Suzie Glazer Burt
o Mell Meredith Frazier
o Don and Margo Blumenthal
o IMT Insurance Company
o MidAmerican Energy
o Jill and Mark Oman
o Rich and Kim Willis
o Allied Construction Services, Inc.
o Harry Bookey and Pamela Bass-Bookey
o Brandfluence
o Central Bank
o Community Choice Credit Union
o Dotdash Meredith
o Andy Flynn
o Deniz and Mike Franke
o Krause Group
o Deb and Bob Pulver Foundation
o Michael and Ellie Ziegler*
o Athene Annuity and Life Company
o Bankers Trust
o Jim Carney
o Community State Bank
o Patty and Jim Cownie
o Greg and Brenda Cushing
o Tony and Kim Dickinson
o Drake University
o Dennis and Candy Elwell
o Matt and Bridget Fryar
o Jeff and Linda Glazer
o Linda Glazer Toohey
o Grubb Family
o Christine Halbrook
o Gary and Sue Kirke
o William C. Knapp Charitable Foundation
o Matt Pfaltzgraf
o McAninch Corporation
o Merchants Bonding Company
o Julie Ross
o Lana Schafer
o Softgiving
o Cameron Sutton
o Wicker Van Orsdel
o Marcia Wanamaker
o Wasabi
o Weitz Company
o Kathleen and Larry Zimpleman